News and events


12-06-2024 From 17 until 19 September, NEUTROPHIL 2024 takes place in München, Germany.

PRAETORIAN kick-off meeting - 11 June


EU Doctoral Network PRAETORIAN funded

01-11-2023 The project PRAETORIAN (EuroPean Training NetwoRks to TArget DAMPs and NETs: novel apprOaches in pRecision SepsIs pAtieNt care), coordinated by Dr Gerry Nicolaes and Dr Kanin Wichapong (Dept of Biochemistry) has been selected for funding by the European Union within the Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie research and innovation programme to train 10 doctoral candidates

We are hiring

01-11-2023 The PRAETORIAN network is now accepting applications from potential doctoral researchers. Applications are due by 31 December 2023.